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School Information

School Information / 2024-08-12 / 點閱數: 60

School Features

Extraordinary Shengsian, Excellence Forward: Mastering the 6 Key Keys to Unlocking the World

  1. Utilize Various Technological Media for Autonomous Learning: Enable children to become lifelong learners through effective use of technology.
  2. Apply Information Software to Train Logical Thinking: Develop students' logical thinking skills through the use of various information software.
  3. Focus on Student Health and Physical Skills: Emphasize students' health and physical education, cultivate aesthetic and artistic sensibilities, and organize achievement exhibitions to create a diverse platform for showcasing talents.
  4. Enhance English Proficiency and International Awareness: Collaborate with international volunteers for global education and teaching, conduct school-wide English activities and English picture book readings, deepen English proficiency, and foster an understanding of international and multicultural perspectives to prepare students for global engagement.
  5. Value Humanistic Care: Teach children to respect and embrace diversity. In the learning process, cultivate cooperation, interaction, sharing, communication, and the building of positive interpersonal relationships to generate a positive impact.
  6. Foster Local Affection and Community Involvement: Instill a love for their hometown, encourage active participation in community activities, and integrate school curriculum, reading, and campus environment to implement the United Nations SDGs and fulfill global citizenship responsibilities.


Bilingual Environment and Outcomes

World-themed bilingual maps in the entrance hall
Monthly English vocabulary assignments for student practice
Fostering the use of English in daily life
Department and classroom signs are labeled in English
Bilingual corridor warnings, with easily readable English phrases on the fences
Occasional invitations to external experts for English and international teaching
Teaching English idioms
Teaching English picture books
Classroom English learning community