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History / 2024-08-11 / 點閱數: 35

The predecessor of this school was Yoshida Elementary School during the Japanese occupation period, established in April 1941 (Year 30 of the Republic of China).
After Taiwan's retrocession, the school was taken over by the National Government on January 30, 1946 (Year 35 of the Republic of China) and renamed the Third Elementary School of Fanshe Township, Tainan County.
In 1968, with the implementation of nine-year compulsory education, the school was renamed Shengxian Elementary School, Dongshan Township, Tainan County.
The school's staffing and student body steadily increased after its establishment as an independent school, with the total number of students reaching over 500 at its peak. However, due to the migration of the rural population, the number of classes began to decrease from the 1973 academic year, and by 1984, the school had been downsized to a small school with only six classes, as it remains today.